Yes, this will be a gun post, but it wont be an angry, hardcore - TopicsExpress


Yes, this will be a gun post, but it wont be an angry, hardcore power rant. It will, however, use some sarcasm to make a point though. ;) If you TRULY, HONESTLY believe that a gun ban will reduce or end violence, I URGE you to come over here so that I can show you that you dont need a gun to be violent. I spent two hours going around my apartment making a list of non-firearm items that I could use to mess you up with: 2 swords, 6 throwing knives, 2 daggers, a trench knife, my knotted walking stick, forks, wasp spray, wire clothes hangers, books, power cords, my hands, a sock, a bar of soap, a stun gun so powerful it could probably knock out an elephant, a pillow, a ball-point pen, pepper spray, a plastic bag, rubber bands, a glass bottle, bleach, a funnel, my wheelchair... etc. etc. I could keep going, but I think you get the picture. Come on over for a demonstration (joking). :P Now, being the way I am I could never hurt someone out of anger. Defending mine or anothers well-being, yes I could. This is to hopefully show you that guns are not the only way to hurt/threaten/kill people. Our problem is not guns. Our problem is the hatred in some people.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 21:23:28 +0000

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