Yes, we all need to be owls. For so long we have lived in a world - TopicsExpress


Yes, we all need to be owls. For so long we have lived in a world where everyone had to be heard, everyone had to be right, everyone knew best and sadly everyone never listened. We did a lot of talking but our ears did little listening. This is a skill we need to sharpen and bring to the light. How can we know others, how can we understand situations, how can we know the truth, if we do not listen and learn? We are learning how to open our hearts and let the love flow in, let us not forget to open our ears and pay close attention to life as it flows by us. We seem so busy, always going somewhere, always doing something, we think we don’t have the time to stop and listen closely. This is a huge mistake. To not listen wisely to others is saying we have nothing further to learn, but we do! Hopefully we never stop learning while we are here living out this lifetime on earth. To learn is to grow and to grow is to raise our consciousness. To remain static is to admit we have not raised our consciousness enough to even know we need to learn more. Open minds are minds willing to learn, willing to be humble and know they have more to take in, minds willing to accept what they learn without prejudice, minds willing to expand outside the box to places unknown. Static minds remain little minds, closed minds, unlearning minds, un-accepting minds. The light is all about being open and expanding and learning and reaching out to others, there are no limits or boundaries, we soar where the owls soar and see what the owls see and hopefully listen carefully like the owls listen. To listen is not just about learning, but it is also about discernment, weeding out the truth from the lies so we can know where to go on our journey with confidence. So many people it seems feel a bit lost, unworthy in some way, insecure about who they are. Listening would surely help to lessen these feelings. How can one know themselves if they don’t listen to themselves, their guts and pay attention? How can we know others if we don’t listen and stay aware of their needs and desires, their feelings? It is like trying to maneuver a cross-country trip with no road map, GPS or compass. If you know where you are headed you can plot a course and if you plot the course you have a destination. So how can we maneuver through life successfully is we don’t listen carefully so we know what we need to know? There is much miscommunication in the world and a great deal of it stems from people not listening to one another because they are busy proving their own point, satisfying their own egos. Just look at what the so-called leaders of the world today are doing! Nobody listens, everybody has their own warped agenda, everybody is screaming out to make their point, that point being what benefits them most. It is pitiful and speaks loudly to where we are as a society today. It seems the people are finally getting it, are finally becoming aware, finally waking from a heavy sleep yet our leaders who supposedly are running the show are snoring loudly or are deafened by their own egos. We cannot depend upon these leaders, it is up to the people to take the helm and sail the ship to safety. If we don’t we sink with the ship. We are smarter than that. We are owls that know better, we listen and are awake. It is time to get the rest of the world on board as well… Blessings to us all, Visionkeeper oneworldrising.wordpress/ link to original article Category:
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 03:57:46 +0000

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