Yes you can discuss your relationship/marriage with your friends, - TopicsExpress


Yes you can discuss your relationship/marriage with your friends, family and colleagues. BUT, do it with moderation. .. .. ..whatever you chose to discuss with your friends about your relationship/marriage, its imperative that you keep 6vital informations away from them. And these 6vital informations includes..... 1__SECRETS As humans, we all have secrets. However, your Beau may have let you in on some of his/hers, this is not bad. Its done out of trust. Hence, it would be extremely wicked and out of place for you to share something as confidential as his/her secret with anyone. . . .in the same light, if you have a secret/secrets which youre probably keeping away from your Beau, then its highly advisable you never ever intimate someone else about it. .. .. instance like abeg, biko, lahor, I dont want him/her to find out or my Beau doesnt know about this oh, i just say make i tell you as my personal person is absolutely uncalled for..…LOL youre only successfully giving outsiders ammunitions to use against you whenever they dim it fit. What if they accidentally or intentionally intimate your Beau? Be guided! 2__DREAMS AND ASPIRATIONS/PLANS Dreams, aspirations and future plans are things we ought to share with people we love and trust to a certain reasonable extent. Should your Beau intimate you on his plans of erecting a gigantic gorgeous castle, or the business he intends investing on....biko, avoid being a chatterbox, do NOT share this with anyone. Keep their plans and aspirations between the both of you. 3__DETAILS Avoid providing details, be it on the surface or otherwise. My sweethearts favourite food is Fried rice and snail...mylove combs her hair, first thing in the darling doesnt like doing this or that. . . .wait a minute, could you please tell me the rationale behind making them, privy to this privileged information? Have you not heard stories where a friend snatches friends hearthrob? LOL...okay how/why do you think such a scenario emanates? Common sense should tell you, its because youve ignoratly given out your hearthrobs biodata (relationship wise) thanks to you, Theyve already known your partner intoto. Do not tell any one, what your partners weakness is. If you do and it boomerangs, please dont cry wolf! 4__FIGHTS Every Couple on the earths surface...often disagrees to agree. Anyone who tells you their relationship/marriage is without friction once in a while, is nothing but the Worlds most prolific liar. . .LOL. Friction is normal as long as you maturedly trash out issues without allowing them linger on for too long and make up aswell…but making it a habit to keep your parents, friends, Spiritual leaders and foes about every single misunderstanding posted, is a total NO NO. It wont help. When having issues in your relationship/marriage, the best person to talk to, (apart from God) is the person you are involved with. Keeping every Tom, Dick and harry, posted on your issues, is quite awkward because, your friends will likely not tell you the truth from a neutral angle, hence theyll always be on your side and will keep condemning your partner…..after which, youll turn around and say they dont respect him/her, why should they? When youve forgiven and moved on, those you told will always remember. This point is null and void especially if your Beau is abusive! 5__MONEY Its nobodys business, the amount your partner earns on monthly basis....its also not advisable to intimate them on the monetary issues in your relationship/marriage. Nobody deserves to know this. Dont tell them who wears the financial pants and who pays for this and that in your relationship/ marriage. Whatever agreement you have with your Beau about your expenditures, it should never be a topic for debate with your friends, family or foes. 6__BEDROOM Okay you were kissed breathless! Tons of sweet nothings were whispered into your ear while at it.....hence you decided to make it a topic of discussion amongst your friends, right? Please shut does this information instill a change in the outbreak of deaths recorded in this month of June 2014? Alright, your boo is a stallion and he steady gives you the D, do me a favour, keep it to yourself abeg, except you don’t mind your friends having a taste of him. If youre celibate, good for you but please, avoid discussing it too as your friends may envy you.....and if youre not celibate, you may be tagged as loose. Take it or leave it, they will always have something negative to say, no matter what. .........Above all, bear in mind that.....Your partner will not only feel betrayed, but also highly disappointed, upon discovering that youve been talking about your private matters to anyone. Infact, they wouldnt trust you with anything anymore. Hence, If you discuss these matters with your colleagues it breeds comtempt. Please dear put a halt to such a habit if youre found wanting in this areas. Dont be suprised when you discover, Your friends are wondering what your saying about them to others behind them, if you can be so open with details of your Beaus life. People will think you have no self control… the end, they will never confide in you. Please......Be guided.
Posted on: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 16:02:06 +0000

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