Yes, you can get a James Bond at this salary; but not a Sean - TopicsExpress


Yes, you can get a James Bond at this salary; but not a Sean Connery! Expectations - the big, bad thing in life - we have heard our elders say! Why is this so? Because expectations result in disappointments. But is it really bad having expectations? Not really! Rather, in the recruiting world, there is a need for an emphatic Yes to setting expectations right- upfront! I went to a restaurant the other day. There was a signboard outside which read - Excellent food, average service. Great! At least you know what you are getting yourself into. Someone once said - Manage expectations lest they begin to manage you. How true! You will value a 500 rupee note differently depending on your expectations. If you expected nothing, this Rs. 500 will come as a pleasant surprise. If you expected in thousands, this Rs. 500 will only be a disappointment. Similarly, if a placement agency does not know the exact requirements of the start up it is working for and hopes to strike it lucky along the way; this is someone you should not be doing business with. A placement agency should understand and mind you, understand really well what his client wants. Does your agency know the qualifications, skills, qualities and character you look for in a candidate? Is there something specific to the role you are recruiting for? Remember, generalizations are easy; its the specifics which create the problem. Because, at the end of the day, you can get a James Bond at this salary; but not a Sean Connery!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 06:42:16 +0000

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