Yeshua said, I AM the Way - and the Truth and the Life; no one - TopicsExpress


Yeshua said, I AM the Way - and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except through Me. John 14:6 Important to remember, especially in light of the Popes stand on the one world religion hes promoting. You dont go to heaven because your parents were Christians, you have to make the choice yourself to follow Jesus. You dont get into heaven because Abraham was in your ancestry, you have to choose Jesus. The difference between every religion in the world and Christianity is that Jesus died for yours and my sins, . If you study the life of Jesus you never see Him killing people, but you do see that He was killed for His life...He gives us life and He is the life. United with Jesus we become a new creation. Its a narrow road and there is a lot of misinformation out there about Christianity. The best lie is a half truth...the article below is a wake up call. Pray for the salvation of anyone you know, the battle is not ours but Gods, and you will be attacked and Jesus will help you through. Hang in there...this time here on this fallen planet is short compared to the eternity we will spend with Father God, Abba in Heaven.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 14:14:33 +0000

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