Yess! And it was a drama in our house (@villa) yesterday evening, - TopicsExpress


Yess! And it was a drama in our house (@villa) yesterday evening, nollywood season 1. Cant still believe I met her again after 7years plus we departed our ways, still like a dream, and not just meeting her again but this time as an inlaw. This world is a small world though! And it was yesterday been 2nd of January 2015(a day memorable). It was around to 7pm, as usual we were preparing hot pounded yam with hot soup (special delicacy we prepare after any festive being xmas, newyear or easter). My mum was already through with the soup while I was busy with one of my aunties in the outside kitchen preparing the yam. We already had some visitors waiting for the meal. I called my younger brother to help me pound the yam as dad came out to check the progress in our own ministry, #lolz. at a moment we heard the sound of a vehicle the next the horn was heard obukwoma onye mum n dad asked in chorus. It could be brother Uche we asked no thats not the sound of his car we responded, okay may is aunty Ngozi and the hubby no they cant come by this time nah MY FRIEND GO AND OPEN THE GATE and see who is there and stop guessing; Dad yelled at my little bro, the boy ran innocently and opened the gate, the fine newly purchased car drove directly to the back yard where we are that he nearly entered inside the house. We have a large compound in the front by the side and also at the backyard, so what gave this dude the gut to drive to the backyard #allconfused. Everybody with a surprise look pipped inside the car onye a abugho Ernest Okoro? Dad exclaimed, yes! is him we replied with excitement! He came down we hugged him and welcomed him. (Ernest is a relation and my youngest uncles (dads dem last born) bestest friend and brother from another mother. he bought a car from abroad but had a terrible accident with it few months he got it, so God being so faithful blessed him again with this new modern big nyash Camry.#lolz as the former damaged beyond repair so thats y he drove to the back with joy for us to thank God with him). So my uncle came out and embraced him with joy, we all went round the car praising God. But as this was happening I was busy looking at the fine elegant young Lady in the front seat. Waow! is uncle Ernest married I murmured! (cos it has bn long he came home for xmas which is the only period I hv the opportunity to meet my relations and know there way about). The lady came down, moved closer my uncle being the only one who knows her well hugged her. The lady moved closer again dalu nu ooo, gud evening all she said smiling. Me, I was busy scooping The boiled yam into the mortar as my bro was doing his job too. I looked up again, starred at the lady, she starred at me too as I opened my mouth to greet her she shouted with doubt CHIOMA OJOBO!, JESUS! I exclaimed. dlady:Chioma Ojobo! Me: JESUS! dlady: Chioma Ojobo!! Me: JESUS!! we were both shouting CHIOMA OJOBO! JESUS for more than 5mins without altering any other word nor hugging ourselves. Everybody was confused, the husband shifted and was looking at us, my dad, mum, uncle infact everybody stood still looking at the drama. I threw away the spoon at my hand, rubbed my eyes to be sure I wasnt dreaming or seeing a ghost. come na is me she shouted, at this time we rushed ourselves and hugged and lifted ourselves up that we nearly fell on the ground. EDITH! is this you yes is me she acclaimed. Is a lie! cant believe this! is me oooo! she was shouting!! the whole family bursted out in laughter. This is my secondary school classmate, friend and school sister Ugwu Edith I introduced with utmost joy. Eziokwu! this world is a small world they all shouted in chorus. We continued hugging and embracing each other as others where laughing at our drama. My people that is how I met my sec sch classmate as a sister inlaw and we dinned together in my fathers house in the village. The husbands house is just a stone throw from my Dads house, is just a different of kindred but same village gom gom!. #Lesson any where u are be careful of the kind of life u live and mindful of how u treat people around u because u never can tell how or where fate may bring u together again, to avoid regrets. UGWU EDITH am so happy marriage has brought us back again this time not just as school friends but as real sisters and friends for life. The world is a small one indeed!
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 15:58:34 +0000

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