Yesterday I had a lot of the awesome group members share their - TopicsExpress


Yesterday I had a lot of the awesome group members share their story with me...I was happy to read them, honoured that you wanted to share them with me, and trust that what we share with each other, privately or directly on the group will remain private!!! So, I want to share my story with you! More so because I find it very important that people realize that not everyone has to be struggling with weight gain to feel the need to change their diets or increase their fitness level! EVERYONE has their own wake-up call, EVERYONE has their own reasoning for committing to a healthier lifestyle! EVERYONE has to make the decision on their own! Now, my wake-up moment!! Why my decision for a healthier lifestyle began! This is still hard for me to talk about but it is why and how my healthy&fit lifestyle story begins! Almost a year and a half ago now, my life, my childrens lives were turned upside down! A man that called himself a husband, a father walked out the door and never returned. No heads up, no reasoning. At that point my health began to plummet. Waking up with chronic aches and pains throughout my entire body, chronic stomach issues, developed irritable bowel, battled migraines almost daily. (Keep in mind while reading this, I was also prescribed medications to help with my aches and pains, migraines and irritable bowel issues...which, in all honesty, had little to no impact) My eating patterns and habits became terrible. Almost to the point of starving myself through the entire day but bingeing at night. Unhealthy food choices as well. And I was only sleeping between 2-3 hours a night. Worry!!! Stress!!! Anxiety!!! Questioning my every thought, every decision. Not understanding what had gone wrong, plus trying to stay strong for my boys. When stress weighs on your a mind, on your body, when anxiety becomes this overwhelming; peoples bodies react in 1 of 2 ways...weight loss (which is actually muscle loss) or weight gain (which is fat gain). Regardless whether your body reacts to excess stress by losing or gaining...both are very unhealthy! Im my case, it was both, I was losing muscle strength and becoming more fluffy :) Why does this happen?? Our own hormones!! This hormone, once released will trigger your body to create and store more fat...and lessen muscle mass. When prescriptions are taken, especially for pain, they too can trigger the body to increase in body fat. Starving your body for hours on end or bingeing on large quantities of food all of a sudden, will cause this same stress hormone to be released, creating--more body fat, very minimal sleep will decrease your metabolism, which in turn, again...increases body fat!!!!! So every single part of my life (at that time) was breaking down, sabotaging, decreasing my metabolism, lessening, stripping away my muscle mass and although I didnt appear over weight, I had gained weight, and had lost a lot of muscle tone. I was weak and tired all the time, yet could barely sleep. Finally realizing and intentionally DECIDING to take charge of my health, for myself and my boys sake. DECIDING for myself, to include fitness and exercise to my daily routine. DECIDING for myself to improve my eating habits. DECIDING for myself, that I was very very much worth a healthy life!! DECIDING to make a change in my thought process and overall health. Let my HEALTH JOURNEY begin!! Knowing I wasnt the gym membership type person, I started researching many different home fitness/exercise/workout programs available. Searching for thee healthiest meal replacement shake I could find. No preservatives, no caffeine, no artificial stimulants etc etc. And ta-da...I was introduced to BeachBody!! Many fitness programs to pick from, to suit you, your needs...and that guarantee results, and also a meal replacement shake that out ranks any other shakes available, Shakeology!!! These amazing shakes out ranks all other meal replacement shakes on the market...offering so so much more then just vitamins and minerals...they contains prebiotics, probiotics, digestive enzymes, antioxidants, protein, amino acids, micronutrients, along with the perfect blend of vitamins and minerals! CHOOSING to make this change, CHOOSING to take control of my health has been the greatest and most empowering decision I have ever made for myself!! A blessing!! My mental, and physical well being has taken a 360! My irritable bowel issues, my migraines, and a large majority of my aches and pains have subsided!!! And I sleep at night!! My moods seem to be at a much more even keel as well!! Although my day to day life is still as stressful and wildly busy as ever, I am able to mentally cope, manage my stress, my anxiety with much more ease. My concentration level has increased, I have gained strength, increased muscle mass, decreased body fat, I am firmer and much more toned, and I have ENERGY!! I drink a Shakeology every morning, I set a timer on my make sure that I eat at least a little something (healthy) every 3 hours...(including a balanced lunch and supper)...and I workout between 30 to 45 mins a day following the Chalean Extreme program. Incorporating strength training, cardio, flexibility and of course abs! I truly feel like a new chapter of my life begins every morning! I feel healthier and happier from one day to the next!! This is not a diet, this is a life style change! And I couldnt be more thankful to have finally made this DECISION!!
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 11:35:13 +0000

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