Yesterday I had an interesting convo with a gentleman at my gym - TopicsExpress


Yesterday I had an interesting convo with a gentleman at my gym who is either very wise, or slightly crazy.... Which ever, he made a valid point about controlling your won feelings. He told me a few stories of people that he offended on purpose so he could then figure out why they let him have their *control*. Let me back up and say he is a psychologist that specialized in this area. He told me a story of a flight attendant that he called ugly and how upset it made her. In her own right, she should have told him to EFF off! HIs point was that if this woman was confident and believed in herself she would have blown him off as an old crazy man continued on with her work. Instead she went to the bathroom and cried and was to embarrassed to come back out. How can a strangers words have so much control over how someone can feel and react? Why do we let other people dictate what we think or feel about our own selves? SOMEONE ELSES OPINION OF YOU IS NOT YOUR BIZ! Self confidence can be had by anyone no matter your shape, color, age, or anything in between. Its something that *you* can control 100% of the time. By handing off that control, you give away all your power. In the end, he cleared the air with this flight attendant, taught her some self love techniques, and said she still sends him a Christmas card every year to thank him for changing her life! I on the other hand would have gone he EFF you route. He smiled and said I already knew thats *you* would have done.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 12:37:28 +0000

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