Yesterday, I had the pleasure of having lunch at the Harvard club - TopicsExpress


Yesterday, I had the pleasure of having lunch at the Harvard club in midtown. I was attending the weekly CEO networking event that happens on Thursdays at EANYC. While munching on my delicious kosher lunch, someone at my table asked. Joe, do you live on Linkedin? I replied Yes, and I also live in Brooklyn When I got up to do my 30 second elevator pitch to the 50+ executives in the room, I ended off with and apparently people at my table think I live on Linkedin. The successful and funny divorce attorney in the room piped up, we were just talking about you! Thats so funny. - Actually its not so funny, its serious business. People think I spend my whole life online. They think I live online when in reality, I have a very fulfilling life offline and share some fun moments when I want to. This morning while doing my early morning run I thought to myself. Most people live, some people are alive I choose to be alive on Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, with my kids, wife, family, at work, in board meetings, in shul, with my friends, even while I sleep my dreams are alive. Life it short to live. This morning, I want to inspire you to simply share something. A selfie, a thought, a conversation. Dont be self conscious for one moment. Blame me, tag me, make a joke. If this makes you nauseous, even more of a reason to do it. If it gives you the butterflies, you are lucky. People jump off planes to get that feeling. All you need to do is share something you are not comfortable with. After you share something, put your phone away and take a deep breath. Look at the people around you, hug them and ask them questions about themselves. BE ALIVE FRIENDS> BE ALIVE! - Like if you love, share if you want to spread the love.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 11:17:11 +0000

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