Yesterday I have been meditating on the scripture that says: - TopicsExpress


Yesterday I have been meditating on the scripture that says: Greater is He who is in me than the one who is in the world. Then a question I had was, do we really know what God has placed inside of you and me. Even the bible says God is not concerned about the outward appearance but the heart and your heart is inside of you. � Upon meditating on this verse a thought came, I thought to myself how powerful it is for a man to carry a strong seed inside of himself and he is able to bring to life a miracle through pregnancy and a woman to carry such a seed inside her to give birth to such a miracle. There is something big and greater than you that God has invested in you and I. If you continue to limit yourself from what God has for your life you will not get to the full potential and purpose that God has for you. The one inside you wants to show the world that the God you serve can make you great and He lives, the God you serve wants to show you how victorious you are because the world undermines you because you are small on the outside and yet the great I am in you is mightier than what the world sees. Imagine if David focused on the outward appearance of himself when he stood before Goliath who was a big giant, he would�ve missed his destiny of becoming king and he would�ve proved to the world that the outward appearance matters. Imagine if Joshua and Caleb had agreed to what the 10 of the 12 spies said when they were sent to spy the land they were to possess. The 2 men would�ve missed their destinies which was to get to the land of milk and honey because God made sure that those who saw those giants as bigger than Him they don�t get to see the land of milk and honey including Moses their leader. Your limitations or when you don�t see the greatness inside of you, you are killing yourself and you are disappointing God because He has invested and placed so much inside of you. You are more than a conqueror because of the Greater one inside of you, even the relationships you have with people around you are sustained by the character you have on the inside not on the outside. If you accept defeat in your life, or if you always look on the material and outward look, you see with the wrong eyes because God wants to see you bringing out what He has placed inside of you.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 05:21:54 +0000

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