Yesterday I hit the Vitamin store to get my Bs. while there I had - TopicsExpress


Yesterday I hit the Vitamin store to get my Bs. while there I had a spur of the moment, moment.. I said Hey do you have a fat burner/Detox maybe? SURE DO miss Skinny, perky, Minnie, gushed.. just take on empty stomach.. So I waited till today... I quickly took it and went to meet a friend in San Diego.. on the way there I started itching.. Himm thats odd..Then I REALLY STARTED ITCHING.. MY HEAD, MY BODY EVEN MY TOES..UGGG What the Heck???..Suddenly I looked at my arms FULL of Welts/Hives..WHATTTT?????? I arrived for lunch Itching more than if someone had dipped me in Itching powder.. My arms, neck and FACE full of welts/hives... My Friend took one look at me and Laughed his ass off going Daumm girl all I eat is junkfood and look no itching.. you are Ms.Healthy and full of welts.. So after lunch and trying my best not to scratch.. silly me went back to the vitamin store and know what they said??? Oh yea many experience some itching/redness but it is a good thing, it is just bringing out the toxins..I usually take it at night and go to sleep WHAT?? (I said as I scratched my eyeballs which Kinda hurt but hurt so good) You think the itch is a good idea?..(I said as Scratched my left boob as my right boob screamed Meee too... ok fine you too..scratch, scratch) she said Yes it is all the toxins leaving.. when my Dad gave it to my sister she sat in the shower for like two days but the toxins leaving made her a healthy girl Oh really? Hmmm (trying not to scratch my butt and failing miserably) Well just saying this is not a good idea as I am filming re shoots in a few days and they asked if I had changed my looks at all... frankly Hives are kinda a full change. (scratch, scratch).. just can I give you this back?? SURE!! but cause it is doing its job you can only have store credit OTTAYYY id take it..(scratching my tongue) so I left with 31 dollar credit (scratch). Moral of the story.. MY BODY LIKES ITS POISON AND JUNK FOOD FROM NOW ON.. side note...can you come over and scratch my back PLEASE!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 02:17:54 +0000

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