Yesterday I posted a link about how Zionists are trying to censor - TopicsExpress


Yesterday I posted a link about how Zionists are trying to censor anything written by holocaust revisionists. Of course Zionists have forever attempted to deflect any criticism merely by saying its anti-Semitic! This pathetic excuse fails to hold any water. It is absurd for two reasons - firstly Arabs are Semites & secondly if anyone is talking nonsense surely it is OUR right to be the judge of that! No one but no one has any right to curtail freedom of speech, MOST ESPECIALLY NOT THE VERY PEOPLE WHO ARE THE FOCAL POINT OF ACCUSATIONS! However it never ceases to amaze me how peoples comments are not only side-tracked from the issues pertaining to a post but are also prone to erroneous assumptions. Here from the original post is one such example - Paul Sheppard - Are we saying that the holocaust never happened? So, those concentration camps were really where those nice fascists sent Jews to holiday away from the Allied bombing campaign? My response- Im not denying Jews were murdered in camps......... but so were Poles, Czechs & a host of other people but the way history is being told, it is as if only Jews suffered! Now this is not anti-Semitic - THIS IS THE TRUTH! Moreover it has virtually been confirmed that the 6 million figure was a gross exaggeration; theyve now been revised down to nearer 1.5 million. This is the same number of people that have so far died in Iraq as a result of lies told by the Zionist controlled media. Of course few mention the 20 million Russians who died defeating Hitler & no one ever talks about the 30 million Russians murdered in the most horrific circumstances by the Ashkenazi Zionists in the 1917 Bolshevic revolution! The undeniable truth is though other nationalities suffered far more than the Jews, the history books would have us believe something entirely different! Significantly, if one studies the true history of WW I so to fully understand the role the Rothschilds & the Zionist media played in conspiring against Germany, even though Jews had happily lived there for 100s of years, one would comprehend how the German people had every right to feel utterly betrayed by them. The Germans had offered peace terms which were about to be accepted by the Allies in 1916, only for the deal to be scuppered when the Rothschilds promised US participation & thus victory, in return for the UK donating Palestine to the Jews! This alone resulted in millions more dying on the battlefield in quite horrendous circumstances but then to add insult to injury when cessation of hostilities finally occurred in Nov. 1918 the ensuing Peace Treaty at Versailles, which incidentally was attended by 300 Jews, was a travesty! Throughout the war, German borders were never breached! The entire conflict occurred on foreign land. Yet the treaty, if one can even call it that, made most Germans wish they hadnt stopped fighting. Once again they were betrayed! The next decade Germans went through hell. Needless to say the climate of austerity inevitably resulted in a lunatic taking over! By the way, do you know who was Hitlers chief benefactor? THE ROTHSCHILD BANKING DYNASTY! So it seems you are defending the same kind of censorship which is fundamentally distorting the history books. I can promise you, had history been written as it should have ie in a totally unbiased, independent form, one would rapidly conclude the Zionists, rather than constantly being portrayed as the victims, would instead be regarded by far & away as the greatest source of irritation, turmoil & conflict on this planet! While I like to see people commenting from their heart, I suggest before you one does they should have a far better grasp of the true facts! His response - Until I have researched the matter for myself, from a non-CT pov then I am inclined to go with received history. Whether 1.5 million or 6 is a matter only of number. These were ordinary men, women and children. Murdered as part of a programme of extreme ideology. I do not need to be told about Poles, Czechs, Gays, political dissidents and gypsies. You dont need to tell me about the Treaty of Versailles. The whole crock of anti-semitic propaganda is a feature of right winged bigotry. FYI I am also well aware of the atrocities being committed against Palestinians. As for writing styles, personally I dont give a damn about style if the content is extremely flawed. My response - Paul - your reply shows you are not interested in the whole truth! That is so disappointing. How can anyone say they are not interested in certain truths? And of course the only defense is that what I said is a crock of anti-Semitic propaganda!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 13:52:39 +0000

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