Yesterday I saw my diabetic/endocrinologist doctor. Im still - TopicsExpress


Yesterday I saw my diabetic/endocrinologist doctor. Im still infuriated with her and her staff for not alerting me to the condition known as gastroparesis. My weight is 201.2. My last weigh-in was 206.4. Dr. Jain and her staff were all congratulating me. I told them that even though Im losing weight, its not in a good way and explained to them what Dr. Baber (my new gastroenterologist) told me. My glucose level before I left my parents house was 142 and my glucose level at the doctors office was 168. I also told them how my glucose levels have been jumping throughout the day like that even with taking insulin. They all looked at my glucometer, at my levels for the past week. Claire, my diabetic education nurse told me that my A1C was 14+ (normal range is best at 6), which meant that particular machine didnt go above that number, so they redid it on a different machine and thats when it came out to be 18. I had no expression on my face. I knew it was going to be that high. I had told Claire just a few weeks ago. When I had discussed my glucose levels with Dr. Baber, he said it is because of the gastroparesis. Yet, when I tried to talk to them about the condition they just blew me off and said my high blood sugars were the result of my diet and lack of exercise. Really? I handed them a diet journal with everything I have eaten for the past two weeks and they went on and on about how well rounded my diet is and how great it is. And, a few minutes later my diet isnt all that good. It cant be both. I pointed that out to them. It was like a wave of a hand and they just blew me off again. Ketones were found in my urine, again. Once again Im not surprised. Claire explained how ketones are only found in Type 1 diabetics and how my body is breaking down in a bad way. Then, when I asked Dr. Jain about it, she just shrugged her shoulders. At the end of my appointment I always get a sheet of paper with their results and it still said Type 2 - Mellitus. And, again, it cant be both. I asked about that and was blown off again. Im tired of this. Right now I cant get another diabetic doctor so I have to stick with her. Im hoping that once the Baptist hospital is built and opened here in Conway that well finally get an endocrinologist here. My Vitamin D level is a 2. The normal level is around 20 or more (20 is what that clinic considers normal, some clinics have it higher). My potassium is also low at 1.2. Normal range is 3.7 to 5.2. I know the low levels of potassium are due to the ketones in my urine. Ive been having low Vitamin D levels for years now. Shes already called in for me to take the 50,000 IU D3 prescription. I have to take it every couple of months. Just in case anyone doesnt know: Ketones are substances that are made when the body breaks down fat for energy. Normally, your body gets the energy it needs from carbohydrate in your diet. But stored fat is broken down and ketones are made if your diet does not contain enough carbohydrate to supply the body with sugar (glucose) for energy or if your body cant use blood sugar (glucose) properly.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 02:28:33 +0000

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