Yesterday I somewhat cryptically asked you guys to send healing - TopicsExpress


Yesterday I somewhat cryptically asked you guys to send healing thoughts and prayers toward my family. You delivered them without knowing exactly why we needed them and I appreciate that unconditional love kinda thing so thank you. Today I’m going to ask for the same healing thoughts and prayers and this time I’ll tell you what you’re praying for. This week doctors found what appear to be two tumors in the right temporal lobe of my mom’s brain. They won’t be certain until they go in, but the best guess is glioblastoma. If this is the case, the most effective plan of attack will be a lobectomy on the portion of her brain where the tumors live. The “good” news is that she already appears to be demonstrating the minor but permanent damage/loss this lobectomy would cause (so in a sense, nothing to “lose” by doing it this way). Six weeks of radiation will follow. However, if the doctors go in and see that the tumors are lymphoma, they will not remove them and instead attack them with chemo/radiation. The last I heard, her surgery will be sometime this afternoon. While my relationship with my mom/family is complicated to say the least, we are all here with the same goal of making sure my mom is out of pain and on her way to recovery. She is a fighter and is surrounded by people who love her - I know from experience those two things are crucial in the healing process. Facebook is so stupid and frustrating in so many ways, but my FB family has always been a great well of encouragement for me to draw from in challenging times. I believe in the power of positive energy, so I’m asking you to send yours in the general direction of Fresno, CA. Toward my mom, her surgeons, her family, her friends, my dad and sister, and also me. I seem to be hemorrhaging more emotions than a person should ever have to feel at one time and I’d really just love to be able to feel love louder than all the rest. I think that’s where you guys might come in.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 14:09:17 +0000

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