Yesterday I stood just outside my shop front door talking to Ali, - TopicsExpress


Yesterday I stood just outside my shop front door talking to Ali, he has a very big black beard and mo and is Muslim, he painted all my shop when I set up, he not only did that he helped me with heaps of little jobs for free, wouldnt take any money for the extras, he is one of the nicest men Ive ever met, in the cafe next door the owner is Muslim, without those boys there Id never feel safe as they watch my back all the time, across the rd his brother who is also Muslim owns the best fish shop in willy, they went to school with my kids, mum & dad are gorgeous, Bachar houli from Richmond FC goes next door, he to is Muslim, I dealt with Bachar when I worked on marngrook, he never walks past my shop with his lovely wife without saying hello kelly, lets not hate Muslims, extremists are not them, they are the crazy groups out there, we can not label all Muslims because of these radicals, if a man beats, rapes or kills does that mean all men do? No it doesnt, lets stop this nonsense of hate, I was proud to chat to Ali yesterday and when tom rode up he put his hand straight out to shake it, they also shared a birthday Wednesday
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 22:45:51 +0000

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