Yesterday I talked about GOAL BASED PROGRAMMING and finding the - TopicsExpress


Yesterday I talked about GOAL BASED PROGRAMMING and finding the best fit for what your individual needs and desire are. Specifically we are going to have THREE OPTIONS within any given CLASS and depending on what best suits your needs for the long term, or on that given day, you are going to choose ONE of the options to complete. "FITNESS CROSSFIT" - These workout will be designed to enhance your health and well being, a perfect place for beginners to gain a high level of fitness that will transfer over to make your everyday life better. Movements will be simple, but proven methods for developing fitness. Strength will be important but not to the same degree as the other options. Individuals will be exposed to a wide variety of movements with a emphasis on proper mechanics. As with any CrossFit workout, scaling either up or down can make these workouts more or less challenging depending on an individuals needs. "PERFORMANCE CROSSFIT" - These workouts include a greater degree of intensity and complexity. Designed more for those with a desire to push harder, skills and fitness gained will transfer over to life, sport, well being. Movements will include any and all of the olympic lifts, higher degree difficulty gymnastic movements, and increased metabolic conditioning. A high emphasis will be placed on developing athletes strength, power and speed. An excellent option to take your fitness to the next level yet for the most part still completed within a one hour class structure. "COMPETITION CROSSFIT" - Competing at CrossFit demands high levels of skill and coordination as well as strength, speed, power, and endurance. This programming is designed to prepare the athlete for skills and movements that they would see in the sport of CrossFit. A big emphasis will be placed on developing athletes strength, power, and speed. The volume of training for this programming will NOT fit within the one hour class structure so athletes will be expected to do the majority of lifting and skill work on their own. I am going to start this approach slowly and gradually add to it, and change it as we go......todays workout has a FITNESS and PERFORMANCE option BUY IN : Hanging Power Snatch - 2 reps on the MINUTE every MINUTE for 8 MINUTES....INCREASE weight each round but keep form solid. WOD FITNESS CROSSFIT 12 KB Swings 24/16 kg 12 Goblet Squats 24/16 kg 400 M RUN 3 ROUNDS PERFORMANCE CROSSFIT 9 Power Snatch 115/80 lbs 9 Overhead Squats 115/80 lbs 400 M RUN 3 ROUNDS CASH OUT : 2 sets of MAX REPS - Handstand Push Ups
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 15:03:24 +0000

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