Yesterday I took the N train back to Brooklyn, and turned around - TopicsExpress


Yesterday I took the N train back to Brooklyn, and turned around as the train made its way over the Manhattan Bridge. The city was painted orange and red, streaks of colour streaming away from Manhattan as the sun began to set. I tapped the tall guy sitting next to next to me. Hey, look at that sunset! At first he thought I was trying to get him to move, so he ducked forward. No, I said, turn around. Its beautiful. He let out a low whistle as he twisted around in his seat, shaking his head slowly. That IS beautiful. Turning back to me, he cocked his head and asked, hey, I dont suppose youve ever been to Colorado? Uh, yes -- a few times, why? I used to live there, pretty recently. Do you know that if you get up early enough, you can see what looks like the Northern Lights? But its NOT the Northern Lights. Its the reflection of the snow on the horizon at dawn. He stared out at the city again. It was so nice to see. I asked him if he had seen the Northern Lights in person (he hadnt) and when he had moved back from Colorado to NYC. He asked where I lived. Well, nowhere but mostly Vietnam, if I can help it. Wait, what? Vietnam? Why? Oh, its really delicious. His eyes lit up. Are you in the food and beverage industry? I am too! And there we were, exchanging business cards on the N train to the confusion and mild suspicion of the people sitting across from us. We talked food the rest of the trip. And people say New York isnt friendly.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 18:55:38 +0000

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