Yesterday I wanted to write this post, It was Otiss 10 year - TopicsExpress


Yesterday I wanted to write this post, It was Otiss 10 year adoptaversary. 10 years ago I went to a pet supply store to discover this, flea bitten, mange covered, worm infested puppy. It was 2 years since I had a dog. My last dog was a elderly junk yard Rottie that I dog napped. (Yes I stole him from a junkyard, but thats another story). I noticed this lil puppy in a pen by himself. I asked the girl behind the counter about him. Next I knew I was surrounded by 3 women with eager looks in their eyes. What I assume was the manager began to tell me his back story. A man a few weeks earlier came to the store with his litter and asked the women to try to sell the pups for him. At the end of the day he would come and take any that didnt sell home. They asked the man what are they eating, his reply was solid food. The women being no fools knew they were to young for that and noticed that they were in poor shape. They continued to ask what are the breeds of the parents. Mom was a pit and dad was a neighbors chocolate lab. Well the women agreed to the mans terms with no intent to honor them. They just wanted to get them away from this ignorant man. He handed them over, and as soon as he walked out the door they were on the phone with a vet. Shortly after the vet came to the store and immediately put them on meds for mange and worms. At the end of the day the man came to collect the pups. The rated G of what happened is that the women told him to go away. The next few weeks the litter lived in the store and nursed back to health. Many customers wanted them, but they werent going anywhere till they are 8 weeks old. That was the day I showed up. It was late and all his siblings found a home but lil Otis the runt. Still fighting mange, a belly full of worms and covered in flea bites, all alone in the pen. I went to the pen and called him over. He wanted nothing to do with me and ran to the other side. Hmmm not good I thought. Then the manager asked if I wanted him. I thought hard about it. A dog was always in my life since I can remember. All rescues. I love dogs. (As a child my hero was Benji. Not Superman, Spiderman, or Batman. Benji was my boyhood hero. Today I own all the movies on DVD). I thought a puppy! I dont know anything about raising a puppy. A grown dog yes but a puppy. As always Im a sucker for a animal in need. My reply was Yes, Ill take him. The women burst into tears and hugged me like I just saved their child. Well in hind sight I guess I did. I asked what I owe them. They said Nothing, we are so happy he has a home. Told them I need puppy supplies so they helped me pick out things for this runt puppy, gave me his meds and the number for the vet that was treating him. I had to buy something for all they did for this lil pup. As we left it was like a a scene from a war movie where women are at a dock, waving to their men as they go off to war. I consider the receipt from that day as his adoption paper. The last 10 years have had ups and downs, but every day with my runt puppy has been great. Happy Adoptaversary buddy dog Oats, love you boy. Thank you all for taking the time to read this long drawn out post. This groups rocks.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 02:56:03 +0000

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