Yesterday I was driving southbound on Michigan Avenue. At 11th - TopicsExpress


Yesterday I was driving southbound on Michigan Avenue. At 11th Street I get the blues flashing from behind. I was in a left turning lane that allow left turns on the green arrow only. I sit in the left turn lane on a green light waiting for the green arrow. The blues go out. The green arrow illuminates and I make my left turn. The bright blue lights go on again. I pull over. Two officers approach my vehicle, one on the driver side one on the passenger side. I roll my window down slightly and put my hands on the steering wheel. The officer approaches my window and asked do you know why you were stopped? I replied no. He said you were texting. I replied no I was not texting. My phone is on the passenger seat. The officer replied it was in your left hand when we drove past. We have a zero tolerance on cell phones, since that accident. I replied okay officer. The officer looked at me for about five seconds and then he asked do you have a drivers license I replied I do. Im going to reach with my left hand to unbuckle my seatbelt and then Im going to reach for my back left pocket to get my wallet The officer replied thats fine I retrieve my wallet from my back left pocket, took out my license and gave them to the officer. He looked at me, this time for about 10 seconds. I looked at the officer waiting for the next question or comment...nothing. The officer then asked do you have insurance? I replied I do. I went into my wallet, retrieved the insurance card and gave it to the officer. He looked at the insurance card and gave it back. The officer said I am going to issue you a citation. wait here after about 10 minutes the officer returns with a blue-and-white citation ticket and my license. He hands me back my license and then says sign here to confirm that I gave you your license back. I signed. If you want to contest this you can appear on this date in this court room. I then ask may I contest it by mail? The officer flips over the citation ticket and shows me the information for contesting by mail. He hands me the blue-and-white ticket and says okay? I reply okay, thanks officer. Have a great holiday. The officer replied You too. He looked at me for about 10 seconds, then returned to his vehicle. I allow them to depart before me. I am immediately behind them. I notice the writing on the squad car, it says Chicago transit police. Now, I will contest the citation via mail. The officers accusation of texting is false. Im right handed and couldnt possibly text with my left hand, as the officer stated my phone was in my left hand when he drove past. The point? Stay calm and comply. In this case and many others you are expected to be hostile. Live! Now I get my say. #blacklivesmatter
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 18:06:52 +0000

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