Yesterday I went on a wee reconnaissance mission and snuck in to a - TopicsExpress


Yesterday I went on a wee reconnaissance mission and snuck in to a local nail bar for a pedicure and as I suspected I would be I was horrified by some of the things I saw. The following are some of the stand outs: First of all I had to ask that the bubbles not be turned on as I didnt really want the bacteria and skin flakes etc of previous customers laying in the pipes to get blown in to my clean basin of water. I also asked if the very dirty looking plastic handled instrument with a razor blade attachment could NOT be used on my heels, this request was met with rolled eyes. A very used looking scrubbing block was taken out of the draw dipped in the water my feet were soaking in and then used on the soles of my feet, it was then swished around again in the water my feet were still in and dabbed on a towel and placed back in the drawer, I assume to be used on the next client. Any metal instruments used on my toes, used to clean under my toenails and trim my cuticles etc were simply wiped on a towel (the same towel used to dry my feet) and returned to the draw. I did not witness any tools or files being disinfected or even sprayed before being returned to the drawer. This was the same for the girls I witnessed applying nails to the 3 customers I saw getting nails in a production line system during the time it took me to get my pedicure. No tools or files were replaced or cleaned between clients, the nails and acrylic being applied was crude and without care to say the least, a very basic no frills service. Product was stored in dirty looking bottles and containers with no labels or brand names showing. (This should always make you suspicious of the quality of the products being used) I also noticed the lamp being used to cure gel polish on hands was then being placed on the floor for me to place my foot in it for curing and then placed back on the desk for the next customer to put her hand in, no sign of it being cleaned or disinfected in between. These are just SOME of the things I noticed, all in all a pretty scary scene... And I had to wonder if anyone else but me was noticing these things!? It was very hard not to stand up and shout about what I was seeing, but I also noticed that this particular salon was doing a roaring trade so obviously some people dont care about this kind of lack lustre service, the obvious unsanitary practices and the risks they are putting themselves at. And I have to also say, it was not cheap... $40 for a very basic no frills pedicure. I grabbed their price list and was shocked to see that in most finger nail services their prices are pretty much in line with mine. AND I had to laugh at this disclaimer on the bottom of their price list: We are not responsible for the following: Breaking, cracking, lifting or infected nails. Says it all really!! Please girls be careful when you go in to these places, take notice of whats going on and dont be afraid to speak up if theres something you dont like the look of or something you dont want used on your hands or feet, better to be safe and sorry. Kylie 💋 PS. I shall not be returning 😊
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 09:21:03 +0000

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