Yesterday I went to a local yeshivah in LA where I was invited to - TopicsExpress


Yesterday I went to a local yeshivah in LA where I was invited to daven by the Rabbi of the Shul. No one was stepping up to lead the minyan. i was asked by a few people if I could lead, I told the rabbi that I wasnt fully comfortable and didnt know all the liturgy for this community. Regardless they insisted I lead, so halfway through the a different Rabbi told me to stop leading and sit down because he didnt like the way I was leading. In utter shock and disbelief I sat down and tried to understand what was happening. It was def a learning moment for me and a lesson that I need to be more clear of what i can and cant do as shaliach tzibor, however the deeper lesson I learned was that i need to have much more spiritual integrity and by praying with communities that support all denominations. After davening the new leader approached me and asked what I did , and as I shared that I travel all over the world working with all denominations of Jews leading ritual and prayer he said, There are no jews outside of orthodoxy. He went on with his language of complete absolution that Reform, conservative and any other denominations are not Jewish and we have created their own religions. The conversation of where the torah came from sure came up. As I was listening to this angry man tell me that most of the are not Jews, I couldnt help thinking how I have put up with people telling me this BS for years and I have stood idly by and havent spoken up. As for this Rabbi, he didnt say a word to me and walked away. Thank you sir for proving to me that you werent there to be my Rabbi. Well guess what friends?!? I am here to use my voice and my music to unite the Jewish people and to tell you that your g-d is a true g-d. The life you live is enough! The spiritual practice you observe is enough. You are enough. AND there is always room for growth. I see the deep value in mindfulness and conscious living. How do you approach walking on this earth? How do you approach communicating with spirit? Your way is acceptable and encouraged. Share your way and bring us home. Im committed to finding a spiritual communities committed to some academia, and some experiential spiritual growth. A balance is needed. I am committed to working with communities who want to experience the many colors of spirituality. Heneni! Here I am. #echad #weareenough #nomoreabsolution #unity #ahava
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 04:50:57 +0000

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