Yesterday I went to a mountain top about 30 miles west of La Paz, - TopicsExpress


Yesterday I went to a mountain top about 30 miles west of La Paz, Honduras. We took food and clothes to those very needy people, clothes that was donated by people from our church in Tegucigalpa. WHAT A TIME WE HAD! Even though those people was living in desperate circumstances, the fed us, treated us like royalty, and had the love of Jesus very obvious in hearts! After giving the clothes away and the food we had church. I have taken some photos of our dangerous journey, it was dangerous because of the narrow roads, some of which was nothing but dirt trails, and because of the rain that caused the dirt roads to become very slick. But we had a great time of fellowship with each other as we traveled to these remote people. The pastor of that church sometimes walks 8 hours on dirt roads to go preach the gospel, so that others might hear the wondeful news that Jesus loves them, died for them, and is extending His grace to them so they can have everlasting life! Nobody in Amerca has ANY valid excuse for not going to church if they really wanted to, and hearing the truth! This pastor does NOT have any theological training, nor any man-ordained papers, BUT God is using him anyway, and fruit is being born through him. He has about 40 members in his church on that mountain, out in the middle of nowhere! The REAL church, needs to get out of their apathy and complancy, STOP the complaining, gossip, greedy attitudes, self-gratifying way of thinking, pleasing the flesh, better-than-thou mentality and begin to love as Jesus loved, SERVE one another, and live like Jesus was coming back in 5 minutes!!!! Photos to follow, GBU, SAINTS!
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 13:40:28 +0000

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