Yesterday I went to the doctor and he said I have bronchitis, like - TopicsExpress


Yesterday I went to the doctor and he said I have bronchitis, like I didnt know that already. But while I was there I did a little experiment. Actually it wasnt a planed experiment, it just worked out that way. lol! After being led into the exam room I had a good vape while I was waiting for the doc. In about 5 minutes the nurse came in and took my vitals, which included my blood oxygen level. I figured after just having 4 good drags, this number would be down a bit. Well to my surprise it was reading 98%. Not to darn bad for someone that smoked for 38 years has COPD emphysema and bronchitis to boot. Now for me, that right there tells me that vaping isnt hurting me in the least. Okay, now Im stating the obvious. lol! But the real test was when the doctor started to listen to my breathing. He darn near had me hyperventilating trying to hear something. Good thing I was sitting down Ill tell ya! But alas, the old lungs were nice and clear. And after asking me 30 blue million times if I had a cough he pretended to accepted my answer of nope, sure dont. I say pretended, cause he still wrote me a script for cough syrup. (facepalm) To a lot of people this doesnt sound very impressive or much of a big deal. But you have to keep in mind, I smoked for 38 years. I cannot remember what its like to have a non smokers cold. But I sure as hell can remember the pain and misery of a smokers cold. So not only has vaping saved my life, it makes being sick a really interesting experience. :) If ya managed to make it through to here, Thanks for reading my ramblings and Vape Proud!!
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 02:05:52 +0000

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