Yesterday I wrote about what I had done the day and night before - TopicsExpress


Yesterday I wrote about what I had done the day and night before with friends or rather what Jesus did through us. I never went to sleep from the high I was experiencing through the Holy Spirit. I did not want it to end. All day yesterday I had a peace that I have very rarely experienced. But Jesus was not done yet. Yesterday afternoon I went to a store that I never go in. As I wondered around praying a conversation began with a man. He started to tell me about his problems and asked for prayer. I said absolutely. When I got outside he was beside my truck waiting for me. He began to tell me specifics. He then said he was beginning to do and say things that were violent and not like him. He was having thoughts and cursing something he never does. I immediately recognized it as oppressive spirits that have overwhelmed him. I asked him if he would go to my church with me so P Frank could pray for him along with myself. When this man started going through deliverance he collapsed under the love and redemption and forgiveness of the Holy Spirit.This man did not even know what the Holy Spirit was and was consumed by His love. The spirits fled and as this man came back he could not find the words to express his new found peace. This man then could not walk for over 30 minutes because he was so drunk in the love of our Father. As he was just bathing in the love another man came in the church that two guys had told him about. As P Frank went with him I stayed with the delivered man until he could walk. The two men that sent this other man called me to tell me what they had done it was Tyler and Jeff my brothers at The Masters Craftsman. This man then came back with P Frank and began to tell us that he had just left his house telling his wife that he had never giving up before in his life but today he chose defeat because he could not handle the stress of this world anymore. He then ran into two guys who told him about the source and how much Jesus loved him. He began to cry as P Frank told him of the strength in the love of Jesus. As this man then accepted Jesus into his heart and began to smile and glow I looked up to Jesus in wonder and awe of His love. Jesus I do not know what You have in store for me and my brothers at The Masters Craftsman and the Source but I do know this, if the last 48 hours is a glimpse than I can not wait to see. I have never felt anything like this before Jesus. I feel complete, I feel as if I have a place in this world but most of all I feel loved. Jesus take us, break us, mold us, love us and do what You are already doing. We are here for You and will always be ready to serve when You call. I love You more than words could ever describe. Thank You for saving me, but most of all that You for allowing my unworthy self to serve You in any and every aspect of your kingdom!! If You are searching for proof of Jesus please just ask and He will show you I promise!!! It says in Isaiah 30:15 this For thus the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, has said, In repentance and rest you shall be saved, In quietness and trust is your strength. But you were not willing. Yall have a blessed day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 11:47:41 +0000

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