Yesterday Mike and I stopped to visit with Paul Vander Woude in - TopicsExpress


Yesterday Mike and I stopped to visit with Paul Vander Woude in his hospital room. Paul was at his second round of OT/PT of the day. We had a nice visit with his wife Sue. We were fortunate that Paul did get back to his room while we were still there. He is by no means up for long visits, 2 minutes tops, you can see he is past worn out. Paul has Pancreatic Cancer, stage 4, it has metastasized to his liver and possibly his stomach and brain covering. This has all happened so very quickly! For those of you who know Paul and Sue, please pray for them and their family. Sue is keeping her FB page updated with information about Pauls condition. I have known Paul since 1st. grade at St. Josephs Cathedral, one of his older brothers, Wayne and my oldest sister Sandra, were married in 1959. I spent some time with their entire family at the Al & Florence Vander Woude farm when Sandra and Wayne were dating and after they were married. Paul and his younger brother Jerry taught me a lot about farm life. The protection a mother pig gives her piglets, the cruel rooster who would peck you to bits rather than let you in to gather eggs, how to milk a cow and I am sure a lot more. We are like family, so for those of you who know me and my family I ask you to remember in your thoughts and prayers Paul, Sue and their family. Angels with you!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 15:42:51 +0000

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