Yesterday, Rachel and I had our first meeting with Craig and - TopicsExpress


Yesterday, Rachel and I had our first meeting with Craig and Caroline concerning the issues you’ve all brought forwards and we got some great feedback. There is a lot of it so I’m going to break it down into sections which will be clearly highlighted. If there is something that you aren’t sure of, or are confused by how we’ve written it out, feel free to message either one of us and we can explain. Hope this feedback makes it clear what’s being done to help the problems that have occurred. BREAK TIME ISSUES The people who have Theatre Studies Lecture, then Theatre Pratice, then Seminar on Mondays: So far it’s been sorted that you have allowance to be a little late between classes, we also raised the point that you would like to have a longer break period for lunch, this should be fixed soon. Second and third years discussed changing the break structure in lessons. Craig and Caroline suggested that instead of having one 15 or 20 minute break for a three hour lesson, we will have a 10 minute break after the first hour and then a 15 minute break after the second. ISSUES WITH ACTOR TRAINING A lot of you said that you were disappointed by Actor Training, and that it wasn’t what you thought it would be. Many people have pointed out how they are unaware of how the exercises we do in class will help with performance and how they relate to our assessment at the end of the term. Regarding how they relate to assessment: We decided with Craig and Caroline that it would be better if they could highlight how things we do in class will relate to the assessment so that we always have an idea of how what we are doing will help us, rather than waiting until two weeks before the assessment and realising we haven’t been paying attention to the right things. Also, a lot of the information regarding how what we do in class relates to the assessment is available in the handbook (which I’ll post on the page so we can all see it). Regarding how they will help with performance: Caroline said the exercises we learn in class this term will help us with performance later on in the year and the next two years, but said that if anyone is still worried or would like to talk with her more about it, feel free to go to her drop in sessions or book some time to speak with her as she can give you ANY information that you need. ISSUES WITH CREATIVE WRITING Regarding creative writing, a lot of people who spoke to us said that they were very confused about what we had to do for the Workbook, and that you wanted to know what exactly was required. What Craig said was, the Workbook you hand in at the end of this term is an opportunity for your teacher to see how well you’ve understood the material they have covered in class, and for you to put forward bits of work that you are proud of, so include anything you think would incorporate these things. Craig also said the same as Caroline, that there is an outline of what should be included in the Workbook in the Handbook (Which I’ll also post here) but if you should have any more questions or concerns use his drop in hour or book some time with him. R&R GROUPS We discussed the idea of having mixed R&R groups, particularly for Creative Writing, as we’re aware that there seems to be a slight difference in what Bob and Craig cover in their lessons. Craig was very eager for this to happen so it should be mentioned in class soon. PERSONAL TUTORS/ TEACHER EMAILS Our personal tutors should be assigned by the end of the week, and we’ll be notified of who we have through our UWE emails. Also, a couple people mentioned that they couldn’t get a response from some teachers. They believe it’s because we’re emailing them with our personal email addresses and not with the UWE ones. They said if you contact them this way, it’s likely it will be filtered straight into junk mail, so UWE email is best. For Kate Firth’s students, she doesn’t yet have a UWE email account, she currently has a gmail account that’s been put on blackboard under Actor Training Announcements from Caroline. UPPER YEAR Q&A/ FORUM There will hopefully be a Q&A/ Forum set up, with opportunities to talk to Drama students from second and third years so that we can get some advice on various things such as course work, what to expect in further years, etc. PERFORMACE LAB At our induction it was mentioned that this would be happening and they’ve apologised for how slow it’s come about but that it will still be happening. What we can expect; - Storytelling, run by Bob - Drama of Love (Hamlet and Ophelia), run by Craig - Othello, run by Scott - Actor Training, run by Caroline - Stage Combat, run by third year students - Puppetry - Film Acting (Which is something they’re hoping to bring in) All this will be launched at a Christmas Party at Bower, so there will be more information available soon. OVERALL FEEDBACK ON FIRST YEARS As the meeting came to a close, both Craig and Caroline expressed how impressed they were by our year, and how much they were finding they enjoyed their classes with us. COMMENTS FROM US Meeting with our teachers and bringing forward your questions and queries gives us a great opportunity to make sure our voices are heard. At first, we were anxious about what to expect in the meeting, but both Craig and Caroline took every one of our points and discussed how they would sort out the problems or gave us advice on how we could help people sort out the problems. We thought that they would give us one answer for a majority of these points, but each and everyone was taken on board and discussed in-depth. Rachel and I came away from yesterday’s meeting feeling like we had done a good job and I hope this feedback does help you with the problems you had. Like I have said before, if you have ANY problems, no matter how stupid you think it might be, please get hold of us and we will get an answer for it :) As your First Year Drama Reps we want to know how you guys feel about the feedback youve been given and what we can do to improve that so you guys can get the best out of us! Thanks! George Green and Rachel Eames First Year Drama Reps
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 19:01:59 +0000

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