Yesterday Roger and I took another mini trip. Sometimes we need a - TopicsExpress


Yesterday Roger and I took another mini trip. Sometimes we need a change of pace and the only way for us to do that is leave home, so we did. We live in such a beautiful state it takes a lot of these mini trips to try and see the best of it. Ill try to show you just a little of what we saw and perhaps you will want to go there to. A friends trip Sandy Thayer & Mel) inspired us to head east of Springfield and this is what we found...... We drove to Reedsport then picked up highway 38 towards I-5. (Photo one) Lots of fall foliage to be enjoyed along the way. ....We made a stop in Elkton for breakfast at Arlenes Cafe. Place was full of fishermen all taking about their catch. Continued on from there to I-5 and then into Springfield where we picked up highway 126 and started following along the McKenzie River. Here we started playing tourist. Our first stop was at the Hendricks wayside. (Photo two & three). Here a ferry was put to use in 1862. The modern bridge seen here is the third bridge built to replace the ferry....... Moving on we passed Leaburg dam until we saw the Goodpasture covered bridge. It spans the McKenzie River with 165 feet and is one of the two longest covered bridges in Lane County. (See photos 4-5).... At Mc Kenzie Bridge we checked with the Forest Service for road conditions on highway 242. The road was still open but they were expecting to close it this weekend. This is a Scenic Byway called McKenzie Pass/Santiam Pass. It follows the path of an 1860s wagon route. This Byway boasts the highest concentration of snowcapped volcanoes (and associated glaciers) in the lower 48 states. Here we encountered lava fields adjoining snow fields. (Photos 6-7-)....( Photo 8-9-10) is of two of the Three Sisters. It shows the North (10,085 ft.) and the Middle Sister (10,047 ft.) mountains. That is lava in the front of the photo...... (Photos 11-12) The Dee Wright Observatory is a lava rock structure built by the Civilian Conservation Corps in 1935. From here you can see six Cascade peaks on a clear day.... (Photo 13) This is Three Fingered Jack 7,841 feet. ..... From here we dropped down into the town of Sisters picking up highway 126 for Santiam Pass. This pass was discovered in 1859. First we noticed Black Butte at 6,436 feet. Continuing on we stopped for the view of Mt. Washington. Jean Bowman Winters Ferrel is captured in this photo. (Photo 14) Notice all the trees behind the lava have been caught in a forest fire........................ Seems the computer isnt liking this much info at one time. Will continue in part two.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 17:31:15 +0000

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