Yesterday, a few minutes after 9 AM, we filed our petitions for - TopicsExpress


Yesterday, a few minutes after 9 AM, we filed our petitions for 20th Ward alderman with the Cook County Board of Elections. Other people were filing their petitions, too. One of ‘em was the alderman of the 2nd Ward; he’s running for mayor. A lot of media people were there to watch him do it. Filing was quite the meticulous process. One of the things election officials check is how you present your paperwork. It has to be bound a certain way; they describe it in the information pamphlet. Evidently, they take this stuff seriously because there’s 3 items on the 5-item checklist the officials use when they accept your materials that pertain specifically to presentation. And on top of this, they also take 2 photos of what you give them. I am so glad and thankful that Team Member KC was ‘on top’ of this like King Kong on the Empire State Building. Thanks to KC, our package was concise, neat, and orderly. It was over in 10 minutes; now begins the waiting. I think we’ll know whether or not we’ve made the ballot before the year is over (38 days left). Hopefully, by that time I’ll have cleared up my campaign debt(s). (If you wanna know how much that is, send me an email – Jeromedavisward20@gmail) There’s no way I can do that, however, without your help. We are on the verge of taking that first step toward changing what politics is in this city. Help keep this movement movin’ by making a donation via PayPal. And send me an emaiI - I want to talk to you.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 20:37:40 +0000

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