Yesterday, a guy at Starbucks commented on the skinny black tie I - TopicsExpress


Yesterday, a guy at Starbucks commented on the skinny black tie I was wearing saying he was glad that skinny ties were in again because previously recently they had been out for a while. He then proceeded to say that he hoped bow ties came back in because they were his thing and he missed wearing them now that they were out. Is it just me or is that not the most insane and troubling thing youve ever heard, that someone would even slightly feel that they couldnt wear an article of clothing they personally liked because of some arbitrarily decreed status of being in or out of fashion? Obviously, its not just that poor guy who now unknowingly is being made an example of on the internet, but is a social malady that has gone on oddly unprotested for centuries where people become such herd animals and feel compelled to allow their tastes and expression of such to be dictated by what the times deem fashionable. I love art, innovation and expression; I loathe and am disgusted by fashion, the idea that we would put our personal appreciation for the quality of a style of clothing, or type of music, or manner of speaking, or any number of things second to such a vacant and superficial bid for acceptance and conformity where our tastes depend more on what year or even month it is than what we actually like. I was told recently that the guitar was now on its way out. Are we sheep?? Why is this even a concept? Play whatever instrument suits your song whether its a guitar, an oboe, a marxophone, or a sequencer in whatever style moves and inspires you in that moment regardless of if its this year, next year or ten years from now! And that goes for everything. Obviously its convenient for the corporations that make the music and the clothes to keep us all on the same page so they can make a one size fits all boxcar to ride in where anyone who chooses not to ride it feels quickly left behind. There will always be a mainstream as long as we keep swimming in it and reject the wild and unpredictable ocean we could be if we only chose to. Its certainly not something I take lightly because in this case it might just be clothes, but it gets to the heart of why we as individuals in society make the decisions we do and how easily the herd mentality is able to take over. If were this easily convinced to conform in this way, what other behaviors and customs are we practicing or refraining from simply because they are in or out?
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 22:53:18 +0000

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