Yesterday a man knocked on my door. I had no idea who he was, he - TopicsExpress


Yesterday a man knocked on my door. I had no idea who he was, he told me he was Jenna Marches son and he wanted to see me. I had no idea who Jenna Marches was or how he got my address. He told me that Jenna was the woman with the skin tags that use to shop where I shop. I was confused, he described her a little more and I asked Oh the woman who wore the silver snow flake necklace? Yes, I remember jewellery! I asked (politely) how he got my address and why he was at my door. He said hed asked around and one of the girls at the shops knew where I lived, shed stopped and chatted to me while I was gardening a few times. He apologised for kind of stalking me but he just wanted to thank me. I asked what for. He told me that Jenna had died a few weeks ago, I knew she was unwell. but she was strong and determined. He said in the end she gave up and left but he needed to see the woman who made her smile. I said I had no idea what he was talking about. He said that he had cared for his mother in the last few months and every now and then shed come home from the shops and say things like That lovely smiley lady was there today......... shes joined the gym.......... she was buying chocolate!............ she ......... what ever our conversation was. He said she had said that the smiley woman always had time to chat, and always listened and always said the right things and made her happy. I asked how he knew that was me and he said I asked around, youd be surprised how many people suggested it might be you. I invited him in but he said no, he just wanted to make sure that I knew Id made a difference to her. After he left I shed a tear for Jenna, she fought the good fight and I wondered about his words. I just chat to people, its how I am and then something like this happens. I had no idea. Sometimes what we take for granted has a profound impact on others. I thought how careful we must be in how we behave when were out and how we interact with others. Heaven help I be remembered as the grumpy woman. I was humbled to think that someone might go home and say to someone else that smiley lady was there today. I sit here wondering if I should delete this post. but no, it shows that even the smallest of gestures, the most insignificant of comments, the most simple of conversations can impact on others and in my world that impact must be positive. You never know how your words and actions are impacting others or where they are going. Yesterday I got a rare and almost sacred insight into the world of personal impact. I will miss Jenna even though our conversations were what I would have thought of as fairly trivial and random. It was a good day.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 23:03:25 +0000

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