Yesterday, acting with, but under the influence of, some bigger - TopicsExpress


Yesterday, acting with, but under the influence of, some bigger and older boys (MLud), we managed to remove the cap of the air-pipe to a long since sealed nuclear bunker, a bunker that wed had our beady little eyes on for some time. Like the other nuclear bunker i am aware of, i am not going to reveal its location just yet though (they dont just put these things on O.S maps, you know). The reason i dont reveal the location of the first bunker is so that some beard-stroking tool from the local arts centre doesnt find out about it and turn it into an art installation and ruin it for me, and the reason im not revealing the location of this new one is because one of our party might just be able to get his grubby little mitts on it in the future and turn it into a really top notch den of drinking and other vices (like table-tennis and Scalextric for example). Anyway, having finally managed to open the air pipe, a video camera was attached to the end of a rope and, along with a light source, was lowered down into the darkness below. And this is what we filmed. The fact that the camera repeatedly stops and focuses on what looks like a cup of long dead coffee is entirely serendipitous, as it was simply swinging freely on the end of the rope and we had no way of knowing what was being filmed. We were however like three little boys at Christmas when we hauled the camera back up and got our first gander at the world buried beneath our feet under 12 foot of concrete - ours being the first eyes in generations to see into the room below. Ok, so its not quite on a par with Howard Carter being the first person in several millennia to gaze upon the tomb of Tutankhamun, but it was enough for us. And for now, it is all we have. Getting ourselves into something that was designed to withstand a Soviet nuclear strike is going to be considerably harder than simply lowering in a camera, but who knows. Where theres a will...
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 20:18:17 +0000

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