Yesterday afternoon was one of the most difficult, heart wrenching - TopicsExpress


Yesterday afternoon was one of the most difficult, heart wrenching days Ive ever had to endure... My Chloe passed away from a very aggressive cancer that she was diagnosed with just 3 weeks ago. She was such a wonderful companion and I miss her terribly... On her follow-up appt. the vet had told me that I needed to prepare myself and start making arrangements to have her put down because the lymphoma drastically increased in the 2 weeks between her initial visit and her follow-up. She was getting weaker and weaker every day and eating less and less. I struggled with what to do... Do I wait until she is suffering? How much suffering is too much suffering? Do I have her put down before she suffers? What if she gets better? How do I give the order to have her put down??? She hates going to the vet! How can I take her to a place she hates and fears to spend her final moments??? It was awful.... My good friend Nel told me She will let you know when shes ready... So I spoke to Chloe, that she let me know when she was ready to go. I prayed for a sign to do what was right. I wanted to have NO DOUBT in my mind. Friday night I noticed her very lethargic and barely walking. I even tried hand feeding her ground turkey from which she only took a few bites. Then, for the first time... I saw it in her eyes. As if she was saying... Help me. My heart broke... My bff Barbie came over to help me cope since she was Chloes first mommy and was also very saddened by the news... Barbie says that Chloe would lift her head and look towards the door whenever I would leave the room. As if to say Where is she? She needs to be with me.. Chloe was letting me know. it was clear. Saturday morning I made the latest possible appt. to have her put down, so as to try and spend the most time with her that I could. They told me the latest time available was 7pm. I was DREADING the thought of having to take her to a cold, scary place and have to give the order.. So I prayed... That God please have mercy on her and that she not go in fear or in any pain. I prayed and I prayed... An hour after I made the appt. Chloe passed away peacefully in my house with me right by her side. For that, I am so very grateful. My prayers were answered and she left this world in peace. Sleep well my Chloe... Thank you for being such an amazing companion. I miss you so much already...
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 02:54:04 +0000

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