Yesterday as I was not feeling tip-top I stayed home......I was - TopicsExpress


Yesterday as I was not feeling tip-top I stayed home......I was positive I probably just overdid it the day before sitting in the cold on metal bleachers for hours at Roberts competition but just in case I had anything catching I did not want to spread it at church so I thought it best to stay home......I decided to go through a couple of my junk know we all have at least one.....I have more than a normal person should have.....As I sorted through the abundance of assorted objects....push pins, keys, rubber bands, empty pill bottles, pens, pencils, erasers, nails, screws, nuts, bolts, measuring tapes, screwdrivers, hair ties, naughty fortune cookie fortunes (courtesy of Sandra and Clair), kitchen gadgets, crayons, ribbons, knobs from electronics long gone and my favorite---my plethora of bread ties (I NEED them all for SOMETHING!) I sorted through all these treasures I discarded much that was broken or unnecessary and found proper homes for things that were still necessary. I started thinking about how we allow our lives to become stuffed to the brim with clutter we accumulate. We fill our schedule with activities, we cram our home with stuff and our closets swell with clothes and shoes and accessories we seldom use. I believe we also choke our minds and hearts with much unnecessary emotions and thoughts. We hang on to bitterness and anger and hurt and relish the times we can bring it out and polish it off to prove to ourselves that we are suffering injustice at the hands of another. We cry foul at every indiscretion committed against us whether intentional or unintentional.....we wear the unfairness of life on our face to show the world just how miserable others have treated us. We hang on to bad memories and unwise choices and allow them to dictate our present day and future lives. We have been hurt by others and dammit we deserve the opportunity to tell anyone who will listen just how unjust, unreasonable and inexcusable another has treated us. Dont you think it is time to let it go? Who are you really harming by being spiteful, angry, bitter and hurt all the time? Who does it really affect? You significant other? Your children? Your friends? Your family? You co-workers? Yourself? Do you think if you let it all go it might change the way you view the world? Give it a when you feel the old emotions welling up and reading to burst from the junk drawers of your heart and mind give them up....toss them out.......Its about time to sort out the rubbish you have been hanging onto and replace it with things of value that make a, hope, love, joy, peace, grace, mercy, forgiveness, thankfulness.......Today, give it a try......let me know how it works out for, well you got today......I know you do.....have an amazing day, tell someone you love and appreciate them and remember you are loved and cherished beyond comprehension.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 11:52:58 +0000

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