Yesterday, conservatives had watched as 25 members of their own - TopicsExpress


Yesterday, conservatives had watched as 25 members of their own party stabbed them in the back making the vote 79-19 in favor of Cloture. Then the vote for the bill to defund Obamacare came in at a predictable split along party lines of 54-44. Two Republicans, including Jeff Flake, didn’t even show up to vote. But that didn’t stop Obama and his administration from shouting to the rooftops that if you don’t support Obamacare, you’re a terrorist.That’s right, if you don’t support Obamacare, weather you are Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, or Tea Party you are a terrorist. Apparently, the move to defund Obamacare and not increase spending is the same thing as “taking the economy hostage” and “negotiating with a bomb strapped to your chest”. They also accused the house bill of being “essentially ransom demands”, so the House of Representatives kidnapped someone?The morning started with Dan Pfiffer of the famous white house e-mail letter Free Patriot posted that they sent out moments after Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) started his 21 hour stand against Obamacare. As most people were waking up and getting their coffee, Mr. Pfiffer took to the CNN airwaves announcing that they would not be negotiating with Republicans because Republicans were ”negotiating with a bomb strapped to your chest”. Don’t take my word for it, watch the video below:He added at the end of the video, “Republicans have provided a laundry list of essentially ransom demands of things that were essentially the Romney agenda that voters rejected.” While the verdict is still out on thousands of fraud cases in Ohio (including a woman that was recently jailed for voting 8 times) and other states, we are glad that Obama is so confident of his victory.Then during the predictable cloture vote, with the Old Guard not wanting to be led by Senators Jim Inhoffe, Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and others, Nancy Pelosi popped off that the “Democrats will not negotiate with Republicans, republicans can not negotiate with themselves”. Then she went on to propose a House Bill that not only demands over a trillion dollars in spending, makes absolutely no cuts, but also funds Obamacare. Then she had the audacity to turn around and say the republicans “were holding us at ransom”.That was not to be topped by the Liar and Chief himself. President Obama took to the stage that night knowing that he had got the Republicans to seal their fate on a strait party line vote by having 25 turncoats to the American public vote for Cloture. Without that vote it would have taken 60 votes to get the resolution off the Senate floor instead of Obama’s yes man Senator Harry Reid getting to strip it with one amendment hand picked by Harry Reid. Now was the President’s time to gloat and call the 60% of Americans that don’t want Obamacare and don’t want to pay for health care for Illegal Immigrants to gloat. Dan Calabrese from Cain TV reports- See more at:
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 00:11:24 +0000

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