Yesterday evening after a heavy rain we had a pretty incredible - TopicsExpress


Yesterday evening after a heavy rain we had a pretty incredible rainbow in the sky. The kids had just gone to bed and my initial thought was that I should take a photo of it to show my soon to be 3 year old daughter, and 2 seconds later I realized how crazy of an idea that is. Instead, I went up to her room and asked her if she wanted to see a rainbow? Of course she lit up with a big yes, and I wrapped her up in a blanket and out to the backyard we went. The following moments were filled with her "wows" and talking about how pretty it is. This morning when we were having breakfast she was still talking about that rainbow. I say my initial idea was crazy because I see far too many people living their lives through a 3.5" screen. As a photographer I understand how important photos are, but I also understand how often people think they need to document a moment rather than enjoy it just because they have an iPhone in their pocket. If I had chosen to just take the photo, I would have missed an entire awesome moment shared with my child. Enjoy the moments, the memories created for you and the people you share them with will far outlast your iPhone photos.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 16:35:30 +0000

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