Yesterday evening over 1,000 concerned citizens attended an - TopicsExpress


Yesterday evening over 1,000 concerned citizens attended an informational meeting regarding the drilling of oil less than 500 feet away from resident’s homes. The environmental and health impacts of our families are at stake and the people deserve to have their voices heard. The permits were presented back in May of this year and were tabled by certain leaders in Shelby Township. The citizens were not given a chance to voice their concerns until now. FINALLY, the concerned citizens did get a chance to ask questions regarding the environmental and health impact as well as ask West Bay Exploration various questions regarding their procedures, policies and safeguards. Thank you to Denise Demak for helping organize the meeting. The turnout alone sent a very strong message to the Shelby Board as well as West Bay Exploration. Here are the questions I asked West Bay Exploration yesterday evening if you dont want to view the video: * You must have done some testing. When did you first come out in Shelby to test? * How often are you audited by the MDEQ and EPA if ever? * How much is the bond to the state to drill? * How much liability insurance do you have and what does it cover other than property damage? * The lease agreement you have, you must have entered into some land lease agreement. Is that recorded or not recorded? If it is not recorded would you make the lease or leases available? * Can the lessor / land owner assign his land interest to a third party? Can you (the drillers) assign your interests of drilling to a third party? * Have you ever had one of those land lease agreements terminated by the owner? * Would you be willing to sign off that there will no more harm to the site by not setting up a facility to process the oil at that site? * Do you plan on working with and meeting with the homeowners on a regular basis and hearing their concerns? On a side note, spilling of oil, explosion on site depending on the type of explosion may not be covered on homeowner insurance. Please check your homeowners insurance. As a lawyer, licensed insurance agent, and most importantly a concerned citizen and father in Shelby Township, I feel that the West Bay Exploration company and the township leadership owe us all some more answers. Thank you to the thousand plus people who attended the meeting. Again, a strong message was sent on behalf of all the concerned citizens. https://youtube/watch?v=QJ-zC166JNg&
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 04:39:43 +0000

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