Yesterday, hired goons tried to disrupt the Presidents - TopicsExpress


Yesterday, hired goons tried to disrupt the Presidents meet-the-people tour of Migori County. It is clear to any sane reasoning person that the chaos was properly orchestrated and executed by people with direction and guidance from ODM top echelons. The statement issued by ODM interim Secretary General, Prof Peter Anyang Nyongo was just meant to play good PR and fool the public. In the view of the unfortunate event of Migori yesterday, I wish to inform all Raila Odinga followers who are actually an EXTREMELY SMALL minority in the great County of Meru, that however much you wish to celebrate Peter #Munyas apparent move to join CORD in his misinformed and rather stupid decisions, be warned that Meru remains STRONGLY a government stronghold, and no amount of propaganda you can spread, you or the stupid #Munyas self-seeking ambitions can change that fact. Therefore, as you celebrate #Munyas folly as heroism, be sure YOU ARE ALONE, INSIGNIFICANT AND DO NOT MATTER AND NEITHER DOES YOUR OPINION. I shall repeat myself :If you feel you have to hero-worship and venerate Raila Odinga by participating in thuggish acts as depicted by a few misguided Migori youths yesterday, GO TO KISUMU! It will never happen in The County of the Ameru people .....
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 06:38:01 +0000

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