Yesterday in Port Hardy we celebrated the Life of the late Chief - TopicsExpress


Yesterday in Port Hardy we celebrated the Life of the late Chief Peter Knox. It was of no surprise to me that there were 100s of people packed into the Port Hardy Community Centre gathered to pay their last respects to a great man. A true Gigame in every sense of the word. A man who fulfilled all aspects of his role amongst our people. Feasts, Potlatches, Traditional Foods, Territorial knowledge... Isoam Bagwanam .... Not just a man... But a true leader of our people. Gigame Peter Knox left a long path of teachings for all of us. We must pick up these teachings and keep them alive to honour his efforts & Life. Tomorrow we lay to rest a True Kwikwasutinuxw man, Silas Coon Sr. Our village of Gwa-yas-dums has suffered another great loss with Silas moving on to the next world. His smile and caring ways were known far and wide an we will of course gather with heavy hearts to do what we must. I pray Creator watch over our Family as we grieve and begin a lonesome path with a dear loved one no longer by our side .... But forever in our Hearts and our Souls. With the passing of our Elder Silas, we watch a piece of our lives, of knowledge and traditional ways of our territories.... Balancing ever so carefully for us all to grab and hold dear for our generations to come. RIP Silas, you will never be forgotten because of who you are and because of your strength and smile that are still amongst us through your children and grandchildren. Sad times are with our peoples of the Kwakwakawakw Nation as our hearts turn to the grieving family of our Gliglagla of the Namgis. Let us Galgapothla as our old ones have taught us to do love & respect
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 01:45:35 +0000

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