Yesterday morning I attended a meeting of the Treasure Coast - TopicsExpress


Yesterday morning I attended a meeting of the Treasure Coast Planning and Zoning Committee. We have been attending these meetings for about a year now and also attending our local Board of County Commissioners meeting. at the County Commission meeting we have been trying to educate our commissioners on Seven/50 (seven counties in 50 Years) which is a regional plan which the Treasure Coast Planning and Zoning Council has been trying to force on the 7 counties of South Eastern Florida. The plan comes from HUD and is pure Agenda 21. Indian River was the first county to opt up with a 4-1 vote, and then St Lucie County opted out also with a 4-1 vote, then my county of Martin opted out last month also with a 4-1 vote. All 7 counties signed on to this in a Memorandum of Understanding some months ago and we were all told that we could opt out if we wanted to but had to do it before Feb 22nd when this MOU expired. Yesterdays discussion on this issue was very enlightening. Even though there are now only 4 counties participating the Treasure Coast Planning and Zoning Council is refusing to change the name to Four/50 and we were informed that although we had withdrawn they were still going to be planning for our three counties! The question was asked of them if that meant they didnt care what our locally elected officials have said that they want for our counties. They didnt give us a direct answer, but the inference was that they would go over the heads of our elected officials and the will of their constituents. The Council is made up mostly of appointees made by our Governor Rick Scott and meetings are attended by county commissioners from Indian River, St Lucie, Martin and Palm Beach Counties. . Another thing that came out of this meeting was that they plan on forming a new committee to go to Tallahassee and lobby the Governor for the things that they want him to fund! So now we will have a planning council who will have a lobbying wing! Bob Solari a commissioner from Indian River Co addressed the Council and stated the following, you are asking for more and more money and this country is broke. we have an unsustainable debt that can never be paid off and you are going to be asking for more money. Where do you think this money is coming from? Crickets!!! Solari also asked the council the following, I have been removed from the budget committee of this council for over a year because of my opposition to Seven/50 and I would like to know if I have served enough penance and can be reinstated? The answer that he got was that he did not show leadership qualities to their standards. In other words we will not tolerate any dissent! Our area has also been chosen to be a study area for the introduction of new quiet zones at all our railroad crossing in the three counties. I would love to know how you make a railway crossing quieter and how much it costs for each crossing and where the money is coming from. This is part of the Seven/50 plan and though these three counties in question have all opted out of the seven/50 they are still going to go ahead with this. All of this is leading us back to the question of whether the only way our counties can opt out of this plan is for the Treasure Coast Planning and Zoning Council to take a vote as to whether they will release us or not. So once again we are back to the question of who has the power in this area, our elected officials or unelected officials appointed to a planning Council by the Governor? For all of you reading this and dont understand what this Seven/50 plan is all about, it is a plan coming from HUD, DOT and a host of other alphabet soup Government Agencies in an attempt to tell us little people how and where we should live. The main idea of the plan is to move people from their unsustainable single family homes in the suburbs into stack and packs high density buildings along the railway track. Transportation will be by walking, biking or train. This will bring the crime from high density ares south of us in Palm Beach, Broward and Miami north into our communities. The planners also still believe in Global Warming and that the seas are rising. Now if you know Florida at all you will know that the railway tracks run almost entirely along the coast. How would you like to be forced to live in a sustainable apartment several stories high along the railway tracks and next to the ocean in Florida where at any time you could get hit by a hurricane and washed out, not even taking into account that these people think the seas are rising and will flood the coastal areas. In our county there is a building restriction of just two stories on any building in the county and we have had this building code for as long as I have lived here. So once again these freaks from DC and their minions on these appointed councils think they can over rule the will of the people of these counties. Regionalism is not just happening in Florida but all over the country counties are being joined together under these so called plans and the majority of people have no clue about it. It is happening under the radar. You need to check and see if you county is being assaulted like this. Go to and learn more about this.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 20:39:56 +0000

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