Yesterday morning I picked up my Love, and He gave me the Sun in a - TopicsExpress


Yesterday morning I picked up my Love, and He gave me the Sun in a halo. Yesterday, we spent time at Billy Grahams Library where Linda, Timothy, Cecil, John, Alfred, and Franklin offered their welcome. After leaving the Billy Franks homestead, we drove to Moyock to be with family, and friends. Ive known - and youve known - for some time that something different was here, something destined just to be different: to be a difference maker. I am, and We are ready. This journey we take is beyond the understanding of this outlet, and it is not in a yoke - yet. I pray for that day. But trust me, trust us; it is our humanity that makes us imperfect, for we each as individuals are not perfect. We each know how good temptation appears, yet as one united by something less worldly and more divine, we bow only to Him while we yield to you. One day, we will ask for your brief undivided attention. On another day though, you will need to come to terms with this particular message I have for you right now: Adapt to the life God wants for you, or Die after this life He gave you. Christ saved you, but only through Christ do you get to the Father. The Father has a plan for you, and He doesnt want to condemn you. He wants to Love you. Today, He cannot blame those who love against His will; He cannot fault you for misunderstanding why he says to love this way and not that way in a society of one-minute messages, and ever-decreasing attention spans. Ive pleaded the case: Love is Love on Earth as in Heaven. No matter your relationship. Love is not enough though - nor does Christ recognize you before the Father simply because you speak His name aloud. You must be as perfect as the Heavenly Father wrote Matthew. The only way is to give control of your life - He wants you to live according to His plan in this life so that He can give you the promised gift: an eternal life through Jesus Christ, the Savior. This is my promise: If you adapt, you will reap after you sow, and He will give you a better gift. He will take away the things that enslave you, He will show you the headless snakes you so idol, and He will bring back the glory due His son. Then, if you so wish and accept, He will give you a righteous life in eternity without the emotions that afflict you, with only memories and honor to share amongst each other without the witness of time. These things I know - and you can too. To the seekers of purposeless pleasure, and all things real yet scientifically proven to be a figment of your imagination - the thing you see is only real because you can feel it - neurotransmitters leave room for malfunction. You can turn me off, you can shut me down, you can throw books and scriptures - Im ready. Were, you and me, are ready. Lets all find the way Home because Im on your team, and I dont need to be captain to guide this ship. I got answers, and Prayer is my power: the only power I need. I listen better than most, and I have a direct relationship that so many seek. It is your move; it is your surrender, and they are your best days that lie ahead. I want it for you. Jesus wants it for you. God wants it for you. You can say no, but prayer hopes you say yes. To the Adversary: Checkmate. This time there is no country in which you may hide. There is no country that blockades the power of Jesus Christ - even Peoples Republic cannot shut down the power of the Bible. There is no soul in which I cannot find you. I will let you live in peace alongside those who do not choose eternity, but we will share the Garden of Eden. Father only wants souls without a number. You may take the rest who choose a different path. They are loved, but they choose Free Will over Gods Will - their choice. My power cannot save them. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, On Earth as in Heaven.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 15:10:55 +0000

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