Yesterday my little corner of Myrtle Beach was raging with wind - TopicsExpress


Yesterday my little corner of Myrtle Beach was raging with wind and rain. The pond was in constant movement as Hugh drops of rain splattered over the water. The trees and bushes were in violent motion most of he day. Sometimes the storm was light but most often, it was not. I noticed that very time I looked out the window to observe the storm, a lone duck stood by the edge of the pond. His head was high with his neck stretched as if he were trying to located something across the water. For hours this duck never strayed from his post. I called attention to this fellow and as we continued to check on him throughout the day, he stayed at his post. We never figured out why he positioned himself there throughout the storm but he did. This morning the backyard pond and its surroundings are tranquil. Momma duck and her brood are gliding across the still waters that reflect like a mirror. Occasionally, a fish gently breaks the waters surface reminding me that so much of lifes journey goes unseen. The brave duck from yesterdays storm is gone and the purpose of his stance is too. This has not been our best vacation but it has still been a good vacation. Weve had meltdowns of every type coupled with threats of, lets just go home. Yet, we stay. Expectations of how life should go is different or each of us and sometimes overwhelming. Each new day is a new start. Just like experiencing yesterdays storm mirrors lifes misgivings, the new day brings a new start and a chance to renew our efforts. Never lose sight of the renewal, rebirth of the spirit, for that is what allows us to continue lifes journey. Prayers and blessings for a most positive day.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 11:28:16 +0000

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