Yesterday, our governor (Governor Cuomo) outlined an itinerary in - TopicsExpress


Yesterday, our governor (Governor Cuomo) outlined an itinerary in turning our State around. Havent we learned from historys lessons? Poverty is the direct result of our past and former legislators that passed the bogus trade laws that has left millions of Americans on the unemployment and poverty lines, otherwise known as the chopping block, thus giving wings to capitalism so our industries and companies can settle on foreign land, escape all regulatory and environmental regulations for the sake of the almighty dollar. This isnt free trade! This is unfettered free trade. A bogus idea, first implement by President George H Bush, signed into law by President William Clinton, otherwise known as NAFTA. Since than, many other trade treaties have been implemented, on both sides of the aisle. This is selling our nation out while more and more Americans are heading to the chopping block!! Poverty is the direct result of the actions orchestrated and signed into law by our former and current elected officials, letting the public and voters believe we were helping developing nations, when in fact the laws implemented is destroying our way of life as we once knew as the America Dream. Its also destroying our global Eco system environment, dumping toxins into landfills, oceans, rivers, our atmosphere without any foreign environmental regulations all in pursuit of the almighty dollar. The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: Im from the government, and Im here to help President Ronald Reagan The eleven most gratifying words in the English language are: IF YOU WANT TO SELL IT HERE, THEN MAKE IT HERE Frank J Spotorno This is the only one way to combat poverty!!! Fifty years ago, President Johnson launched the War on Poverty. And guess what? The poor lost. In over five decades, over 20 trillion dollars has been invested in Medicaid, food stamps, Head Start, cash welfare, subsidize housing, targeted tax credits, and anything else I am forgetting. With all that the poverty rate only declined from 19% to 15% Fast forward today, out of wedlock births to white women is nearly 30%. Out of wedlock births to black women have hit an astonishing figure of 70%. Nationally, the poverty rate today is at 28%, almost double the national average. No army of bureaucrats spending trillions in tax dollars can ever substitute the only real path to a middle class life: It is thru hard work, ingenuity, innovation, and a vision.....everyone pitching in; building our nation thru the sweat of our ancestors merits. Thru the sweat of our ancestors came a nation that future generations were supposed to thrive on. Frank J Spotorno Yonkers, NY
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 12:00:36 +0000

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