Yesterday the senate voted on WHETHER TO VOTE on an amendment that - TopicsExpress


Yesterday the senate voted on WHETHER TO VOTE on an amendment that would change the constitution to prevent corporations from being legally seen as people when it comes to campaign contributions, and that would place limits on the amounts that individuals can contribute, basically curtailing the idea that money equals speech. Citizens United is the SCOTUS decision that caused several political analysts to conclude that the United States is now an oligarchy and no longer a functioning democracy. It affixed untold power into the hands of those with money, perpetuating a feedback loop that makes the powerful more powerful and the marginalized more marginalized. The votes were *exactly* along party lines. Not one Republican voted to bring the matter to the floor. Not one Democrat opposed it. Anyone who tells you that the two parties are basically the same is spectacularly myopic in their perception, and probably unable to see beyond what affects them personally.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 16:59:12 +0000

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