Yesterday was another great day. :) took my handsome man to - TopicsExpress


Yesterday was another great day. :) took my handsome man to rolling ridge animal park. went on the wagon ride and got to feed all the animals. . kayin loved it. . he is so smart and just a blessing to have. .mace i miss you so much. i want to see you soon. i know g maw loves you and wants to see you as much as everyone else. please remember so do your dad and i. . . i am struggling with the fact that the family i tried so hard to have didnt make the test of time. :/ everytime i look at kayin i see him. its to bad you cant seem to give your son more time. . . my children are my world and will come b4 any other man. if you cant place kayin and our new baby first how can you call yourself a father? ? i see you put so much effort into a relationship with another girl. . one day the door will be closed and you will be left standing on the opposit side of your family. your boys will no longer be your game. . get your priorites straight while you can. i will continue to pray for you. . . scott and jenn thank you for all you have done and continue to do for me and kayin. without you i would not have this opportunity to truly work on myself and become the person mother friend and one day wife i was intended to be. you both have given me the chance to succeed and i am taking full advantage of this chance. i am so grateful for you both. . . . mom and dad thank you for never losing faith in me even when i lost it in myself. i now am doing what i need to do to get myself right. i love you both so much and am so fortunate to have you. . . to everyone else that is walking with me through this and working with me day and night thank you for giving me the chance to stand on my own 2 feet and live for once in my life. . . this is and will continue to be a process and this time i will succeed. you are all in my thoughts and prayers. may you all be blessed. i love you mace and kayin. . . it is past time for you to have the mother you both deserve. im so proud of both of you. keep up the good work. :)
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 23:30:53 +0000

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