Yesterday was bittersweet. its the roughest day Ive had in a long - TopicsExpress


Yesterday was bittersweet. its the roughest day Ive had in a long long time. the last time I cried it was because someone died (no I didnt do it) but yesterday brought me to my knees. First and foremost it was davids birthday (the sweet part) but I completely suck at birthdays (ask anyone... one year a bought the poor man a mop he had already bought himself!), but I had a gift this year and was slightly more prepared than previous bdays. Then I found out the car did in fact sell. This is bother bitter and sweet. I LOVED LOVED LOVED my car but im making the sacrifice because it was needed for Mia. I have so many memories with that car. I brought my daughter home from the hospital after she was born in that car. And on the last day I didnt get to drive it. I dont usually get attached to materials possessions but I am a sentimental sucker (dont tell ne one). After poor David had to spend his birthday night at back to school nigh, we came home excited to close down the gofundme page since we had enough money between gracious donations and selling most of our stuff. We log in and find hate comments from people slamming us because we are asking for help. I NEVER NEVR EVER ask for help. it goes against my independent nature and this just drove me over the edge. I couldnt even write back to the bastards. This was never about us or money, it was always about Mia, which is why I parted with everything from my fridge to my car. So in the end I sat down defeated. David wiped my tear and said he would buy me an Audi when we got back to the US (thanx babe). When it comes down to it im really writing this to say Happy Birthday to the most amazing, understanding, strong, loving, compassionate, and very very patient man in the world. You put up with my emotions, antics, and some days just plain crap but u stand by my side. You are without a doubt the glue that holds this family together and we wouldnt be here or going there without you. Happy Birthday Babe!!! (sorry its a day late. BTW Alex found a hair in ur birthday cinnamon rolls that we were supposed to eat last night. just your luck) I LOVE YOU!!!
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 15:14:34 +0000

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