Yesterday was going all good, tried to work to get all this off my - TopicsExpress


Yesterday was going all good, tried to work to get all this off my mind, until about 8:00pm when Josh came into work and told my that great grandma and my aunt was dying. I instantly just broke down into tears, I logged out got my stuff and left without saying goodbye to anyone. I cried for a good 20 minutes until we got to Wingham I calmed down a bit, when we got to the nursing home in Lucknow it was about 9:30pm everyone was talking and laughing and there great grandma was sleeping so peacefully, later on that night around 11 great grandma was having some difficulties breathing so we called grandma down and the nurse gave her medicine, but there I was sitting at the side of the bed for half the night, it was all silent the only thing you could hear was the sound of her oxygen tank and breathing . A few minutes went past people started to cry , and there sat my mom and grandma beside me with tears going down their faces alls I could do was just cry . Knowing that my mother and grandmother were heartbroken like the rest of us was just the worst feeling . Ive never felt so close to my moms side ever . As the next day went by we went back to the nursing home around 12:30pm and there I sat again beside her bed , as she opened her eyes alls I could do was smile . And seeing her smile was just the best thing thats ever happened this week , and when grandma and uncle rick were asking her for strawberry ice cream here eyes just lit up , had a big smile . And my aunt, I have heard shes doing good , I just wish Chatham wasnt so far away so I could go down to see her one last time . They are both very strong ladys and all my hopes and prayers go to them
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 01:50:08 +0000

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