Yesterday was great! (Chilling with grandma & all). Today I am - TopicsExpress


Yesterday was great! (Chilling with grandma & all). Today I am really going through something GOD is giving me Front Row Vision, of problems of the world today. GODS Tunnel Vision for me sometimes hurt more then anything you could ever imagine. I wonder why Christians make it hard for other Christians? I wonder why Leaders teach not to judge but subconsciously judge themselves? I wonder why rules apply for students, but dont apply for teachers? I wonder why its more of A percentage of Pastors, Ministers, OR even folks in (SO CALLED)High places, dont & wont, make time for what may seem like(LITTLE PEOPLE) But make space for those that are content? I wonder why many leaders ,(Knowingly or unknowingly), expect there views to be law, instead of allowing folks to get there own experience in order to grow, & go places that GOD said to go? WELL THANK YOU JESUS AGAIN! For showing me, revealing even the ugly or hurtful truths. SAINTS OF GOD No that whom ever calls on me to do work for the LORD, & its to GLORIFY His Name Sake {CALL ME!! 313}808-9678. I want to be in the small minority that SUPPORTS Other Saints. I wanna be one who tries to be more like JESUS, because (Even John the Baptist gathered disciples , to do the will of GOD). PEOPLE! Words are easy to say; But action is definitely another. GOD gave something to Paul, Timothy, Job, Daniel, John, David, E.T.C, He didnt just give gifts, or knowledge to one teacher, or preacher, BUT HE GAVE EVERYBODY A WAY TO HIM (Through Jesus Christ,), & He gave us the way to receive his POWER & AUTHORITY!! GOD is never mocked, He gave us (Spiritual Authority)For Edification,(Not for our destruction). Read,(JOHN 12:43,44), & NO THIS! Not everyone will praise our good deeds; After JESUS raise Lazaruth from the dead, they still wanted to kill JESUS,(Even AFTER seeing all the signs of CHRIST The Savior). SAINTS Step up & support each other, even if your not the leader, captain, or Bishop. AGAIN [LETS NOT WORRY ABOUT WHO BRINGS THE MESSAGE, AS LONG AS YOU GET THE MESSAGE]. 1 GOD, 1 FAITH, & 1 Baptism. (The ultimate goal is souls being saved, & Led to Jesus, for HIS GLORY)
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 01:24:04 +0000

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