Yesterday was mental health awareness day. A day to make people - TopicsExpress


Yesterday was mental health awareness day. A day to make people aware of the struggles other people with mental health disorders go through including the stigma and discrimination surrounding sufferers. Some of you may know i have and been diagnosed with a severe generalized anxiety disorder and agoraphobia, Ive had this for the past 3 years. I wont bore you all with a long story but 2 months ago i stepped foot out of my door for the first time in a year. Life was hell and i could imagine hell being more inviting. Constant anxiety symptoms and multiple panic attacks a day for months on end. I lost my job, lost touch with friends and family, let people down and lost a year of my life. People was quick to say uneducated comments like i was lazy, a bum, a weirdo, a waste of space and accused me of being fake. It was physically and mentally tiring and was ready to never be normal again. Luckily I seeked help and with support from my family and my girlfriend was able to take the first steps to overcome. I am recovering, still not right but i am slowly clawing my life back, going from strength to strength to be the fearless lad i used to be. If you are suffering dont be afraid to speak out, you are not alone! Im glad i have people who continue to support me but some people around the world are not so lucky, there are many people who still suffer in silence because only limited help is available. If it wasnt hard enough already some people really dont understand so they discriminate and are quick to judge which could be devastating to some sufferers and could even tip them over the edge. Just because you cant put it in a cast doesnt mean its not real. Hopefully one day people will realise and this will stop. Thanks to all who have and continue to support me. #worldmentalhealthday
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 13:04:56 +0000

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