Yesterday was so awesome. So much time together as a family. The - TopicsExpress


Yesterday was so awesome. So much time together as a family. The immediate family went to church together. I had no meetings or other responsibilities, such is the power or Mothers Day. It was great to sit with Yvonne in Sunday School. Then I made dinner and Selena helped alot and the other kids helped some.Then Ariana Alkire and Cody Lynn Alkire and my favorite baby Dempsey came over I felt the love and power of the family start to flex its muscles. Selena and her sister brought their grandmother over and Margarita was a wonderful guest and added to the festivities. Once dinner was over came the main event: the family Skype with everyone including our favorite missionary Nathaniel John Rhoades. First Brenna Rhoades Hill came on and then Patrick Rhoades and Elisha Rhoades. Everyone was on and then our man Nato. He looks so great. He is more handsome and sweet than I even remember him. He is so happy. He introduced his companion, a young man from Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Nate has had the opportunity to be a District Leader to five different new missionaries. Unusually, only his first companion has more time in the mission field than he does. He is very much enjoying the work of spreading the gospel. We cant hardly wait until he gets home. The sad part was just not being able to hug him but that day will come soon. It was so great to talk to Brenna. She is by far my funniest child and always a kick to be with. I would imagine it is generally a good time with her and Gavin. Patrick and Elisha we see a little more often but not enough as they live in Utah. I miss them also. So, it was just so powerful to feel the bonds of love between everyone in the family even with the difference in ages, the long distance apart and everyones lives being drawn in so many ways. I cannot express the gratitude and love I have towards Heavenly Father for giving me these great blessings. I very much realize that many people do not have these blessings in their lives. I know so many people who have been abused or abandoned by their parents or whose family lives were so dysfunctional. So, I think it is everyones responsibility who gets the importance of family, who sees the folly and destructive nature of dysfunctional relationships and who can reach out in love and warmth to do so. We need to really show how to love by example and even in our countenances. The best part of living is giving and receiving love and developing profound relationships and it doesnt have to matter if we are related or not. So, that being said, I am so grateful for my family and friends and the love and affection I am showed. And the beautiful thing about it is it is infinite and the more love you share the more that you have and the more you receive. I hope everyone has a great day after Mothers Day and really enjoys those people you have in your life.
Posted on: Mon, 12 May 2014 14:04:30 +0000

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