Yesterday was such a Cleveland day. I had my hair done downtown - TopicsExpress


Yesterday was such a Cleveland day. I had my hair done downtown Cleveland, I went to the West Side Market and to Hansa Import House. When I was a kid, the West Side Market was a place for ethnics to go, not exactly cool. Its been years, but the West Side Market is now among the cool places to go. You know when you see people with fancy cameras hanging off their necks taking pictures inside the market. LOL. Years ago no one would have thought to bring a camera to the market and take photos????? But the market, now a landmark, is in now. Gone are some of the eastern European and German names on the stalls, but some that I remember from when I was a kid, are still there. And the place was packed. I had to park a few blocks away. I remember when I was a kid, hearing the conversations all around us while we shopped. You were surrounded by different languages and you could tell who was ethnic before they even spoke. They had that look. And it was easy to pick them out. Immigrants were 90% of the shoppers. Today I heard mostly English and a only a few conversations in a foreign language. But the ride home was reminiscent of years ago, when the car would smell like garlic on the way home. So Cleveland. Good times.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 15:09:44 +0000

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